video Poker Slots are games that require skill to win.They are fun to play, but they can also be very lucrative if you take them seriously.

Follow these steps to make money.

Video poker slots follow the same rules that draw poker. But, unlike live poker, your opponent (program) is the computer.You must place a wager to begin. (See the section below). After that, you will be dealt your first five cards. After that, you can take as many cards as you like in draw poker.Take a look at the cards you’ve been dealt and decide what to keep or what to throw away.By pressing the “hold” button on the card you wish to keep, you can easily access the card.

If the hold button is not pressed, any card that isn’t wanted will be “thrown away”.Once you’ve decided what you want to keep or what you don’t want to keep, press the button that says “deal”. The cards that have been discarded are replaced with new ones.The game is finished in real life, and what you won or lost is immediately shown.

The paytable will show you if you have won and how much. The paytable is located at the front of your machine.

Video Poker Slots Pay Tables

Video poker slots display the game’s return through the reading of the paytable at the front of each machine.How?Video poker slots games follow an industry-standard based on the possible combinations of hands from a 52-card deck.These combinations have a high chance of producing winning hands. The odds determine the payout. A 52-card deck can produce 2,598,970 hands statistically.Computer programs that control video poker slots simulate the chances of getting these combinations.These statistics represent a set of possible outcomes. Therefore, the casino adjusts the paytable to increase the odds in their favor.You will learn how to read paytables and be able to confidently select the machine that has the highest chance of success.

Remember that payouts for most online poker machines are almost the same. There will be differences between a flush, full house and royal flush.

This is an example of a paytable for Jacks Or Better, an online video poker slot game.

Strategy for Payback Machines

9 for a complete house, 6 for a flush 99.4%

8 for a complete house, 5 for a flush 97.5%

7 for a complete house, 5 for a flush 96.4%

6 for a complete house, 5 for a flush 95.3%

As you can see, a 9/6 (as above), will see a royal flush one time for every 40,000 hands. The 8 / 5 odds will only be visible once every 45,000 hands.

Play the 9 / 6-only machines if possible, as they have higher odds of winning.


Each video poker game has the best strategy, and it is easy to memorize. You can still download strategy cards from the internet until you have mastered them.

How to bet on Video Poker Slots

You must bet correctly if you want to win.If you bet all five coins in the slot options, all winning hands are paid by five (except the royal flush).This is the casino’s attempt to make it more attractive to wager all five coins.If your play is less than five coins, you’ll just be adding your money to the royal flush reward!You need to play maximum coins to get the Royal Flush to win video poker.

Take Your Time

You don’t have to rush when playing Video Poker Slots.It is unlikely that you will win more money, but you could lose a lot of your money. So enjoy the game, just relax.It will be easy to see how you can have fun and make some money.

Video poker slots are visually stunning, fun and offer the possibility to win with some skill. They bridge the gap between games of chance and more difficult table games like blackjack or poker.